Japanese Heavy Cruiser Nachi
Dark Seas
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In early 1942, the Japanese invasion forces were on their way to the Dutch East Indies. Fully aware that they had the upper hand against the Allies, they rushed to claim every inch of the Pacific as soon as possible.
The Japanese were on a winning streak and not about to let that go, looking to continue their imperialist invasion at all costs. Thus, the invaders put together a massive attack before the American, British, Dutch, and Australian forces could even coordinate a response.
Past noon on February 27, the 1920s heavy cruiser Nachi sent her reconnaissance floatplanes to search for the enemy, and they soon spotted the Allied Combined Fleet. Subsequently, Rear Admiral Takeo Takagi ordered his invading troops out of the area, as it was about to become a battlefield.
The Battle of the Java Sea had just begun, and Nachi would soon prove her worth against an unrelenting adversary…