Post Opulence Rolls-Royce & Post-Pandemic VW + Mr Fusion & Atomic batteries could save the world! -

Post Opulence Rolls-Royce & Post-Pandemic VW + Mr Fusion & Atomic batteries could save the world!

Brown Car Guy
Views: 58
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28072020 #BCGBulletin – an open letter from the Boss of Rolls-Royce, what Volkswagen thinks the future of transport will look like, plus Star Trek, Back to the Future and Batman!

In this update –
All-new Rolls-Royce Ghost is on the way – and the CEO has written an open letter but ‘post-opulence’.
Volkswagen gives its insights into what a post-COVID-19 world of transport might look like.
A new Institute in the UK will dream up new innovations in motoring and engineering.
Lorries that think they’re trams – is that a good idea?

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