Reviving a Tough Solar Watch with a Drained Battery
Greg Anderson – The Good Timekeeper
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What if you bought a brand new Casio G-Shock Solar-powered “Tough Solar” watch and, right out of the box, the display was completely blank? Is the watch defective? Do you need to request a refund immediately? I think not! This is what happened to me once before, so this time I made a video about how I brought the watch “back to life” and it’s working just fine now. It’s easy.
According to Casio, if one of these Tough Solar watches has a fully charged battery before losing a light source (for example, if you placed the watch in a drawer for an extended stay) it would still function for several months. But, in this case, if was out of power before I bought it. I pulled it out of its dark box and proceeded to make it work.
The watch in this video is the G-Shock model GWM500F-2.